Writing Test: How to Secure a Band 8 Score?
The IELTS writing test has always been a difficult task to get through for many aspirants. Many students spend a considerable amount of time studying to craft a perfect essay. Some tend to incorporate essays with difficult vocabulary. Some complicate grammar; others stuff it with many words. But it is not about all these factors. Do you know that even simple writings with direct language have scored 8 and even higher? That’s right. Even you can achieve this score. The tip is not using bombastic language or vocabulary, but to write in an accurate and logical manner. Casper’s IELTS coaching in Ernakulam is renowned for the fruitful strategies that help our students to clear IELTS. Essays can be written in a simple, lucid style. It is the writing style and accuracy that is assessed, not the thoughts. Thus the slogan is ‘be accurate and write simple things in a well structured manner’. Here are five simple tips to be noted when preparing for a writing test:
- Read the question thoroughly: the first step in any writing test is to read and understand what you are supposed to write. A thorough reading is necessary to cover every every major point that you are required to write. There will be many aspects in a single question and be careful not to miss any. Our IELTS institute in Kochi makes sure that the students can attempt the writing test with confidence.
- Go through what you have written: re-reading is going to help you a lot. Read what you have written after every paragraph. It enables you to make sure what you have written is accurate, and there are no points left out. Also, as there should be a proper link between paragraphs, it is necessary to have a good idea about what you have written in the previous paragraphs.
- Be clear and direct: coherent writing should be strictly followed in writing tests. Make sure not to repeat your ideas and do not be redundant. We train our students to write perfect essays as we provide the best IELTS coaching in Kochi. Sticking to the format of the essay, like division of paragraphs according to the points, is necessary. Each paragraph should present a major thought and the essay should ideally have an introduction and conclusion.
- Express what you know: writing tests are not about writing the correct answer. It tests your writing skills and the quality of your writing. The test does not test your knowledge about the topic given. Even if you have a simple idea, make sure that you express it clearly and justifiably.
- Try to stick on to the word limit: writing more than the specific word limit is not going to fetch you more marks. On the other hand, it will be a difficult process for the examiner. Casper has grown to be the best IELTS training centre in Kochi that provides top classes to our students.
It is always better to prepare for an essay in advance. Though you cannot predict the essay topic, it is advisable to make an idea about some of the common topics such as:
- Art
- Work
- Education
- Environment
- The media
- The internet
- Family
- Food
- Crime and punishment
- Globalisation
- Art
- Travel
- Sports
- Technology
- Business
- Language