How to Prepare Well for IELTS Listening Test?
In IELTS listening test, the examiner will assess your ability to understand different ideas and factual information. This may also include how one could infer opinions. Many IELTS test takers are finding it difficult to tackle this section. Casper Academy of Excellence will provide you best strategies to ace the IELTS listening test. This will make you familiar with the test format, to prepare accordingly and also to provide simple tips and tricks. With the excellent services, Casper Academy of Excellence is one of the best IELTS coaching centre in Kerala.
What is IELTS Listening Test?
The IELTS test is meant to access your abilities in listening, reading, writing and speaking. With the IELTS test, you will be evaluated based on how you understand ideas, factual information, recognize the opinions, attitudes, purpose of speaker and follow the development of an argument. At the time of test, you will listen to a pre-recorded CD-ROM.
The difficulty level of the recordings that you are hearing will increase as you go through the test. Moreover, varieties of voices are used in IELTS listening test like Australian, British, New Zealand and North American accents. The content of IELTS listening test will be the same for both IELTS academic and IELTS general. Another thing is, the listening test will be completed along with the IELTS reading and writing tests on the same day itself, without having any breaks. Casper Academy is the best institute to provide coaching for IELTS listening.
Few IELTS Listening Tips that You Must Follow
- Concentrate on the recordings that you are hearing, as you will only hear it once.
- You should write down all your answers on your question paper while you are listening to the recording.
- Use pencils to write down your answers.
- You can use shorthand and abbreviations to make it quicker. You must make sure that you can read your handwriting as you are given only 10 minutes to write answers in your answer paper.
- Make sure that your writing in answer paper is neat.
- Synonyms of the words used in question should be kept in memory while you are writing the answer.
- You can write answers in capital letters or lower case. If you choose to write in capital letters, then all the answers must be in capitals.
- Read the instructions carefully.
- You must avoid spelling mistakes.
- Use propositions in necessary spaces.
- If you miss an answer, try remembering any data that you can and write down. It is safe to do so, as there is no negative marking.
- Keep yourself out of stress.
Casper Academy of Excellence is excellent in giving perfect tips and strategies for IELTS listening. Moreover, Casper Academy is the best in online IELTS coaching in Kerala.